
Allcare goes over and above with PPE’s. We have committed to our staff by providing the staff with our own branded hand sanitiser for those times when they can’t adequately wash their hands.

Recruitment event at Blackburn Cathedral on 19th September 2019.

Event was for school leavers in the morning and adult job seekers in the afternoon.

We also renewed our Disability confident employer status at this event

Shaun and Daisy were down at King Georges Hall in Blackburn on 28th February 2023.

They were speaking to lots of people who were interested in care work and applying with us and people who just wanted to have a chat and see what the options were for them!

We met lots of other employers and this was a great event.

On 31st March 2023 Shaun and Daisy attended UCLAN University at Preston to speak to people who were currently studying within the Health & Social Care sector and were looking for work alongside their studies.

They spoke to lots of people who were interested in care work and lots of other employers too.

It was a pleasure to have taken part in this event.