
Some of the feedback we are proud to have received

“always professional,supports…….with care & dignity and includes him wherever possible with his decision making. Promotes his independence to the highest standard.Respected and well liked.An excellent staff member”

“…is very good at her job and interacts with….all the time. Always on time and very reliable.She’s an asset to your company”

“Basically very satisfied with the service, all the regular staff are excellent”

“I have found no problems with the service provided – Thank you”

“Excellent service from making an initial enquiry to receiving a first class service from all nurses who have attended the home”

“No issues raised with regard to your staff.”

“You provide an excellent service – thank you”

“______is an excellent member of staff, she is very reliable and flexible, I cant praise her enough”

“ We find_____ very professional and very thorough in her job”

“_______is very good with ________she interacts well. It’s a pity she is not in the package more”

_enjoys his time with_. He generally has a settled night, really happy she is part of the package”

“Really appreciate the support from all the staff this includes the management and all the support workers”
Very complimentary of … during phone call for care review. Said … was “like one of the family now”